Saturday, March 2, 2013

week 7

It seems like I have a lot to share, isn't it? If not, I will not be here again. Actually, my reason to be here is very simple because I don't know what should I do in this moment. It's not the time for me to do revision just because I can't concentrate any more at this time. My memory is full and cannot absorb anything else. It is Saturday and spent my time on studies but I don't know how much can I remember. Hopefully it becomes permanent memory in my brain until the end of this semester.
Time flies...It still have another 7 teaching weeks in this semester. After the final examination, I am officially finished my year 1. Thus, I must study well for the final examination. It is very important. Keep my motivation up!
So bored on Saturday & so I prefer school day. At least, I think that my day will be more meaningful=)
Nothing to do & so what to do?
The best thing is call your dad & mum...Then you will be feeling good:)

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