Friday, March 15, 2013

UCCM 2013

Currently, I am joining UTAR convocation carnival as a helper. There were 2 briefings before the launching of the event. Both of the briefings were conducted at night in the campus. Luckily, I didn't have to cycle to the campus to attend the briefing session. Thank you Pueipuei's friend and the manager of my department for fetching me to the campus. I was so thankful to them. All the committee and crew members are all energetic especially the committee. I can see how hard they work for this event. It is not easy to organize an event. Many problems you will encounter during the event and you must know how to settle it. Most of them are PR or Marketing students. That's why not surprising that they like to join event. I really hope that I will be one of the committee in the future event. Today is the 1st day of the carnival so not much people there and it seems like I didn't do anything. We just walked around and helped the vendors if they needed help. I am not on duty tomorrow since I had informed them that I have test. How good are they! So, I will be on duty on Sunday. Hopefully I can offer my help to most of the people.
Tomorrow will be my second QT II test. I will try my best to do it. I think it is not very difficult as compared those subjects for Actuarial Science course since we don't need to prove any formula. We just require to follow the steps to solve the question. Indeed, it is not easy for you to prove something. For the formula, perhaps you still have some steps to follow and then prove it. Yet, how about that if you want to verify something but there is no such steps for you to follow. It's really difficult. So, if you cannot prove it, just let the answer tell you how to prove it...
week 9 comes to the end...
Must believe that next week is gonna be better than this week :)

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