Saturday, March 9, 2013

9/3 Saturday

Finally and finally....I have done with my MUET tests. 3 papers per day is really a lot! Anyway, I have tried my best to answer. No matter how the result is, I should accept it. I still to wait for a long time to get the result. You may say that I just finished the examination and want to get the result in 1 day. It requires patience when you are waiting for something.
How's my schedule for tomorrow? Tomorrow should be an enjoyable day and throw all my tasks away first. I will be attending another soft skill program. It seems like I talk about this program few times already and yet I haven't attend it. Oh yeah! It's tomorrow! Hopefully it will not be bored and I attend the program alone without accompanied by anyone. So?! What to do? Just wait and see!
Actually, I am quite free next week because I have only one small presentation and one test. However, I have registered as helper for convocation carnival. Hopefully I will enjoy it and won't ruin my regular period of study.
Today is 9/3. The reverse of it is my birthday! Oh oh...Still have half year to go....I am still 19 years old! Young person...haha

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