Sunday, September 21, 2014

Exam is over!

Yes! After 2 weeks “battle”, holidays here I come! 4 papers in this semester and I can’t even predict result of any paper. Am I not being hardworking enough? Or is it getting difficult when it comes to year 3 paper? I think I am not too hardworking during the past 14 weeks. I know I am able to do it if I studied ALL the chapters instead of just studied the “chapters covered”. I just don’t understand why don’t the lecturer just ask us to study all chapters instead of giving us the coverage of exam if she want to come out with questions in some other chapters. I will study all if you say so. People tend not to study other chapter if you say those are the chapters covered. I think this will be my 2nd time I don’t dare to see the result. Make it as a secret forever, possible? I know it’s not lecturer fault, anyhow.

Well, let’s forget about it. Let’s move forward! In the coming semester, I will take another 6 credit hours subject! You know what? It’s industrial training or so called internship! Talking about internship. I am so envious for those who get a very big and well-known company! But then, I ask myself, could I handle the tasks given if I go to “those” companies? It sounds good but I am not sure whether it’s so good. I even envious for those who can do their internship in their hometown, meaning that they can stay at home for the 3 months! How I wish I could have it! Well, it doesn’t apply to me. I will move to a totally new environment! It’s not mentakab nor Kampar. It’s at Sg. Long! Sg. Long? How long is it? It’s 3 hours journey from my hometown. It seems like a bit better than Kampar. I tried to look at the positive side doing internship in Sg Long. What’s the best thing about Meta? First, all are young Chinese people (good or bad? Depends…). Second, accommodation is available although rm200 rental is needed (just walking distance to Meta, opposite only XP). Third, my friend is doing internship there with me (good or bad? Again, depends…). I should believe that Meta is the best choice ever! XD

Working life will be much more different compared to studies life! You have no free time at all! Early in the morning 9am to evening 6pm, Monday to Friday. Look back to this semester, only 3 days classes! It’s really a hectic life! No choice. Working is like that. No complaints. Additionally, we have to write log reports every week and every month. It’s like no ending. Anyway, 3 months will pass very fast, is it? Now, my task is to get some office attire for myself! There’s only 2 formal shirt in my wardrobe since foundation studies! Hope that I can have a new look when my internship starts! Looked more charming, perhaps?
As what yj said, I always have some great dreams! So, what’s my dreams during internship? Although I know I shall be very busy but then I don’t want to miss the chance visiting my friends in KL area (those who originally come from KL or those who intern in KL). The list? It’s in my mind!

Friends, enjoy your internship! Not only your supervisor will go to visit you, ME too!

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