Wednesday, January 16, 2013

17 January 2013

It is now 3pm and I am at hostel because my class ends at 11am. My feeling today fluctuates. Why do I say so? The good news and bad news happen simultaneously. Let's talk about the good news first. Eventually, I register for Sunzi just now. I think that I couldn't get it in this semester but then miracle happens. They reserve some seats for the new comer so that there is another chance for me to register. Thus, I have 2 classes same with Denise. We have a chance to cooperate again for the assignment after a long time. What's about the bad news? The moral lecturer wants to start presentation from week 4 onward but it is on Thursday. I will be going back hometown that time. So, I have no choice but to change my timetable again. Before that, I already made some amendments for my timetable. My timetable changes a lot as compared to my original timetable. Another great news is I don't have any classes on Thursday. The big problem for me now is the assignment group for both moral class and information system class! Hopefully I can get a group and that group can "function" well.
I have planned my schedule until week 9. I found out that there are a lot of stuffs to be settled from week 6 onward. My peak period will be on week 7,8 and 9. I can't imagine how is it turn out as.
So far, I have attended 3 tutorial classes. I meet 2 of my Y1S1 classmates in QT tutorial , 3 in Information System class, and 4 in Economics class. So, does it mean that I will meet 5 people in Law class? haha...
Good luck for me!!!

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