Monday, January 28, 2013




Sunday, January 20, 2013

20 Jan 2013

Last month 20th I was so happy because the exam finished. Now, again, it's 20th but then it is the beginning of new semester. Y1S3 week 1 ends...
Tomorrow will be the starting of week 2 and everything should be settled down by week 2. Assignment group should be formed next week and hopefully I can get a group with good partners. That's my only hope.
These few days, I had my dinner outside. Different places we went and different food I took.
Why the internet is so down? I want to watch dramas but it didn't work.
I am short of ideas writing this post.
So,that's all for today!
Brand new week with positive thinking!Yup!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

CNY mood, where are u?!

I come here again because no more web for me surf. These few days, I keep online-ING because this is the only week left that I can relax a bit. From next week onward, I have to take everything seriously. Now, I still have some time watching drama which are Taiwan drama and Singapore drama. I didn't watch HongKong drama for some time because I am not interested in the current drama. Actually, the Taiwan drama I watch is not so interesting and yet I still want to finish it.
I get the Law Acts books just now. It didn't disappoint me this time because the books are quite new and it is wrapped. How careful the old owner kept it. The books are useful during the final examination.
My class starts on 8am tomorrow.I will meet the lecturer again! Looking forward to his lecture to find out how well he gives lecture. I should be very energized for the lecture because the subject is QT! I left mathematics for one semester! So, how good is my mathematics now? Let's uncover it tomorrow!
I am thinking of my new shoes...Thus, I am going to post a photo of my new year PINK high heel.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

17 January 2013

It is now 3pm and I am at hostel because my class ends at 11am. My feeling today fluctuates. Why do I say so? The good news and bad news happen simultaneously. Let's talk about the good news first. Eventually, I register for Sunzi just now. I think that I couldn't get it in this semester but then miracle happens. They reserve some seats for the new comer so that there is another chance for me to register. Thus, I have 2 classes same with Denise. We have a chance to cooperate again for the assignment after a long time. What's about the bad news? The moral lecturer wants to start presentation from week 4 onward but it is on Thursday. I will be going back hometown that time. So, I have no choice but to change my timetable again. Before that, I already made some amendments for my timetable. My timetable changes a lot as compared to my original timetable. Another great news is I don't have any classes on Thursday. The big problem for me now is the assignment group for both moral class and information system class! Hopefully I can get a group and that group can "function" well.
I have planned my schedule until week 9. I found out that there are a lot of stuffs to be settled from week 6 onward. My peak period will be on week 7,8 and 9. I can't imagine how is it turn out as.
So far, I have attended 3 tutorial classes. I meet 2 of my Y1S1 classmates in QT tutorial , 3 in Information System class, and 4 in Economics class. So, does it mean that I will meet 5 people in Law class? haha...
Good luck for me!!!

Officially Y1S3 student

Today is the 3rd day of this semester! This is also the very first post after school reopened. What am I going to share? Actually, I am too lazy to type. Hehe...
On Monday, my class started at 930am. When I entered the class, the person I saw was Puei Puei. It was very obvious that she was shocked by my appearance. At first, I thought she didn't know that I choose the same class as hers. At last, I knew that she was shocked by my new look. Actually, it is very normal for a girl to cut her hair, isn't it? My first class is QT II tutorial. The lecturer is quite nice as well but I think that Mr.Kuar is better than him. My second class is Law tutorial. Who knows that the tutor pasted a note on the door saying that the class was cancelled. Why is that so? Thus, I had to wait for 4 hours for the next class. Anyway, I took my time to get my 1M discount card. Many students were queuing up there, waiting to get the card. It's okay for me since I got a lot of time. Then, I went to Block C to get further information about the USSDC programme and also the study tour to Wuhan, China. At the end, I decided to join "dance" and "work ethics at workplace". Also, I submitted the study tour form today.Hopefully, I can go for that tour. My third class on Monday is Economics lecture. The lecturer gave me a bad impression in the first day. She has lots of "erm erm ar ar" in her speech. Also, her presentation is poor. I hope that she can make the lecture more interesting. If  not, I can say nothing. At night, I had my dinner with my best friend, Denise. As usual, we had lots of things to share. Haha...
On Tuesday, I had only 1 class which was actually scheduled at 8am but I changed it to 9am slot eventually. So, I can have a nice sleep before going to class. Yet,  I met the same lecturer again for Economics. All lectures and tutorials are under one lecturer. Why don't she get some colleagues to teach  this subject? Actually I spent my time watching dramas yesterday just to escape from revision. I promise myself to start my efforts by this week and hope that it is really worked out.
Let's talk about today! Again, I had only 1 class. I went to campus earlier because I had to go to Block C to submit my form and had my lunch as well. IS class is my only class same with Denise. We had another chit-chatting session after the class. It seems like I didn't do any significant thing today. So, I am practicing my English writing here now. What kind of excuse is this?
Again and again....Lots of challenges I am facing right now even it is only week 1 now! Assignments, presentation , mid-term....and MUET!!! These are the challenges I have to go through in this semester! Yet, I believe that the busier I were, the faster the time passes.
Keep fighting!!! 3 more weeks, I will be going back hometown again to celebrate my CNY!!! My new clothes are waiting for me to go back!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I still remember that Yixuen said all my posts are about photos last time. So, I am writing a lot recently and less on photos. Thus, I will post some photos here....Can you see there are so many shoes here? Yet, not all the shoes are mine. There are only 3 pairs of shoes are mine and one of them is newly bought. Can you guess which is it?
Haha....cyj, look here!!! This is cook by my mum....yummy!!!!do u want to try??? My lovely popcorn!!!yeah!!!!this new year food!!!

Hey!!! See this! The very first time I post this!!!Do you know who are they? Cute? Cool? haha~

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Result day !

I am heading to Year 1 Sem 3 next week....Hope everything goes smooth!!!
The result is out today!
Luckily, it is still as well as I hope...
Yet, it drops a little bit as compared to last semester buy it's still normal...haha...
Want to celebrate again? @chew yj & @cece
But this time you treat me,okay?

KL with buddies!

Vacation 2: KL with hou ji mui....2 days and 1 very first vacation with them!!!yeah!next time promise?!

Legoland & Christmas Girl

A brief review of my semester break!!!
It should be divided into 3 parts: vacation, painting & gotong-royong , fully rest!!!
Vacation 1 : Legoland
very enjoy every moment there!!!9 games we played and satisfied!
merry christmas!

All About tArgets!!!

I am thinking of whether I should post a review of my semester break first or random of my life first.
Let's talk about the random of my life...
Looking back of the targets that I set in the past 3 years...
In year 2010, 3 targets I set which follows:
1.Do the best in SPM
2.Get the driving licence
3.Go for vacation in Europe country
*First two I got it!

In year 2011, 3 targets I set:
1.Watch badminton match (live)
2.Go for vacation in Harbin,China
3.Get excellent result in SPM and study in a best university
*The 3rd one I got it!

In year 2012 (before the end of the world):
1.Play the exciting games
2.Go for vacation in Harbin,China
3.Get into a relationship
*First one I got it!

This year --->2013
3 targets I set too....How many of it will be realized?

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Time flies....It almost comes to the end my my semester break. I will get my result very soon! Then, I will be back to Kampar again.
I think that I spent my holidays well this time. For the first week, I had been to many states. The very 1st Sunday, I had been to Bentong with my mum. It was followed by Malacca, Kukup and Legoland. Next station was KL together with my buddy.
The second week was spent on gotong-royong and painting my house! I became the cleaner and painter! Two kinds of jobs! haha~ I am satisfied with it!
What will I do in the last week? It's unknown!
Anyway, you will see a different me in next semester!!! What's that?hehe~

Thursday, January 3, 2013

There are so many posts I have published. Actually, there are total of 11 articles. I think the 7th article you will be most interested in.Haha~ Happy New Year 2013!

9th article

去年冬天,我和妈妈,阿姨,还有姨丈一同到了韩国首尔去旅行。我带着满满的期待, 开始了韩国的六天之旅。


在首尔的几天,我们去了许多有名的旅游胜地。到了第三天,我们终于可以去到韩国著名的雪狱山公园。在还未抵达那儿之前,导游告诉我们,他昨晚看天气预测报告说雪狱山那儿会下雪。当我们听见这个好消息时,非常兴奋,心想终于能看见我们人生中的第一场雪。再加上我们一路上都看到路旁积满了雪,更是开心。我们甚至在巴士停下让我们休息时,站在雪地旁拍照呢! 此外,导游也告诉我们一些安全措施。他说,雪狱山公园 的地上可能都积满了雪,要我们脱掉手套,以便跌倒时可以及时扶着地上。当时,我们还真的以为去到那里,一定能看见下雪.




最后, 我终于来到了终点,我看到我的团友也已经抵达了。他们也没想到我也爬上来了。最让我意想不到的是,妈妈和阿姨也成功爬上山来了。由于当时是冬天,水都干了,所以我们没能看到“飞流直下三千尺”的瀑布。但,能看到小小的瀑布,我们已经心满意足了。虽然没能看到那飘亮的雪景,但 凭着我们的毅力,能看到瀑布也不错啦!


8th article






7th article


6th article


5th article


4th article


3rd article


2nd article


1st article


First post in year 2013!

This is my first post in year 2013.So, I would like to publish all the articles I had written in the past 3 years which had been ignored by the editor of Chinapress. Haha...