Today is the 3rd day of this semester! This is also the very first post after school reopened. What am I going to share? Actually, I am too lazy to type. Hehe...
On Monday, my class started at 930am. When I entered the class, the person I saw was Puei Puei. It was very obvious that she was shocked by my appearance. At first, I thought she didn't know that I choose the same class as hers. At last, I knew that she was shocked by my new look. Actually, it is very normal for a girl to cut her hair, isn't it? My first class is QT II tutorial. The lecturer is quite nice as well but I think that Mr.Kuar is better than him. My second class is Law tutorial. Who knows that the tutor pasted a note on the door saying that the class was cancelled. Why is that so? Thus, I had to wait for 4 hours for the next class. Anyway, I took my time to get my 1M discount card. Many students were queuing up there, waiting to get the card. It's okay for me since I got a lot of time. Then, I went to Block C to get further information about the USSDC programme and also the study tour to Wuhan, China. At the end, I decided to join "dance" and "work ethics at workplace". Also, I submitted the study tour form today.Hopefully, I can go for that tour. My third class on Monday is Economics lecture. The lecturer gave me a bad impression in the first day. She has lots of "erm erm ar ar" in her speech. Also, her presentation is poor. I hope that she can make the lecture more interesting. If not, I can say nothing. At night, I had my dinner with my best friend, Denise. As usual, we had lots of things to share. Haha...
On Tuesday, I had only 1 class which was actually scheduled at 8am but I changed it to 9am slot eventually. So, I can have a nice sleep before going to class. Yet, I met the same lecturer again for Economics. All lectures and tutorials are under one lecturer. Why don't she get some colleagues to teach this subject? Actually I spent my time watching dramas yesterday just to escape from revision. I promise myself to start my efforts by this week and hope that it is really worked out.
Let's talk about today! Again, I had only 1 class. I went to campus earlier because I had to go to Block C to submit my form and had my lunch as well. IS class is my only class same with Denise. We had another chit-chatting session after the class. It seems like I didn't do any significant thing today. So, I am practicing my English writing here now. What kind of excuse is this?
Again and again....Lots of challenges I am facing right now even it is only week 1 now! Assignments, presentation , mid-term....and MUET!!! These are the challenges I have to go through in this semester! Yet, I believe that the busier I were, the faster the time passes.
Keep fighting!!! 3 more weeks, I will be going back hometown again to celebrate my CNY!!! My new clothes are waiting for me to go back!