Monday, November 19, 2012


It has been a long time I didn't post anything.Is it too far away from my last post?Actually,it didn't.
Now I am in the short semester and it is already week 6 but officially week 5.Everything done include all the assignments, mid-term and also presentation. Now I am totally free from all of these but I am still attach to the coming final examination. Roughly a month to go since I will be having my first paper on 18 and last paper on 20. Frankly speaking, I don't like my examination to be allocated at almost the end of the period of examination. I want to go home earlier!Why don't just let my examination finish at 10++th? Who is the person who create the timetable of the examination?This is the 2nd time my paper ends at the 3rd last day of the examination!So?I only have 3 weeks holidays.Don't you think that it is short?
No matter what I still have to work hard for the coming 31 days.It is my mission to score the only 2 papers! I shouldn't feel any stress because there is only 2 papers!The ever least papers I have to sit for.Thus,you don't have any reasons to say it is hard or anything else.You can even do well for11 papers,isn't it?Now,there's only 2!!!So,don't disappoint your family and also your adviser.You should strive for the best within your ability or competency. Just fight for it!
Anyway, I will be back before my final examination.This is due to the big gap in between the teaching week and my exams. Yeah!The 1st time for me to go back before the final exams.It never happen before. So,I will spend almost a month in my hometown in next month.
21 December 2012,I will be back!I will have my Christmas in Johor! Hopefully next year I will be going overseas too!Hurray!!!

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