Monday, December 16, 2013


It's holidays now!!! My holidays started right after my last paper at 12pm last Saturday.
After finished my examination, I was rushing to Ipoh to meet my pen-pal. After 1 hour journey, I reached Ipoh. This was my first time taking bus to Ipoh. Indeed, it was a challenge for me to travel alone to Ipoh. Initially, I planned to take UTAR bus to old down so that I could take bus to go to Ipoh from old town. Yet, I only realized that UTAR bus was not going to old town on Saturday. I was so worried that I couldn't reach Ipoh on time. The only thing that I could do was to wait at new town bus stop. Luckily, the bus came within 5 minutes. I felt more secured. I tried to be very alert along the journey because I was worried that I missed the particular bus stop. Anyway, I still able to recognize all the landmarks mentioned by my friend. 

Yeah~ I met my pen-pal finally. We went for lunch first because I was just too hungry after the examination. I had "gei shi ho fen" as my lunch and thank you my friend for treating me lunch. What's the feeling to meet someone whom you know for 10 years but never meet before?! Shall I say it is a miracle? Perhaps this word is too exaggerate. Perhaps the word "excited" is rather suitable. 

After taking our lunch, we were heading to Ipoh Parade. According to my friend, it was being renovated just some times ago. We paid our first visit to there after its renovation. Actually, I had nothing to buy because my intention was not went for shopping. Thus, we just simply walked around and not even window shopping.

Then, we went to his secondary school which is just right opposite of Ipoh Parade. I did notice it during my last visit to Ipoh but I was not managed to go inside to have a look. So, I had the opportunity to go inside for this time. My friend did introduce me about his secondary school. It was quite weird for me to walk inside actually because I was the only girl there at that time. His secondary school is quite different as compared to my secondary school. 

We walked back to Ipoh Parade then. We continued with our "window shopping". Then, we decided to go for a drink so that we can sit down and had a better chit-chat session. It's good idea indeed for us to refresh ourselves. So, we had a better environment to chit-chat. He shared a lot with me. It's all about our pen-pal life last time, his preparation for his further studies and his future plan. I always think that we will learn something when we talk to someone. Indeed. He is an ambitious person indeed and I think he will be a very successful person in future. It's important to have a direction for us to move on. I agree. Hence, I shall have taken some time to do some planning for my future. Then, I shall have higher motivation in my life. Anyway, happiness and healthiness are still very crucial.

Since this was the first time we met, photo session is a necessity. Thus, we searched for a "beautiful place" to take photo. Christmas is around the corner, so there's some decoration for Christmas too inside Ipoh Parade. At least, there's some beautiful background for us to take photo. No one can be our camera man, so we could just take photo by ourselves. Both of us are not "self photo taking" expert. So, we tried for many times in order to get the "perfect" photos. After trying for few times, we could see the improvement. We were satisfied with it eventually.

Before leaving, he brought me to buy some "gei zai beng" so that I had something to bring back when I go back to hometown. Time flies...It's time for me to leave Ipoh. He accompanied me until the bus came. According to the schedule, there should be a bus for every 15 minutes. Yet, no bus was coming. We had been waited for around half hour. So, we had some time to talk more. At 550pm, the bus finally came. I get on to the bus after we said "Goodbye" to each other. 

Hope that we will meet again soon^^
Winny & Ian

Meiguan & Yipherng

美君 & 业衡
*It's so special to talk with friend in Cantonese~ hehe

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