Since I am quite free this week, so let's grab this opportunity to write more and share more. Usually I am going to share about the lecturers for my whole new semester.
I have attended 3 lecture classes for the previous 2 days and I have yet to meet my tutors for all the subjects. In my very first class in this semester, I met a female lecturer. It's really out of my expectation. She looks quite different as compared to her photo. Anyway, she is very nice and patient. Her way of lecturing is quite okay for me. We were a bit disappointed that she's unable to come to class today (2nd lecture class) as she is not feeling well.
After E-commerce class, we straightly continued with Business Ethics class. Actually, we are not supposed to take this subject in this semester. Yet, we have registered for it as others say it's going to be a little bit easier as compared to taking it in long semester. What makes us have the courage to take two year 3 papers in this semester? Can we handle it well? It remains as a question mark for this moment. Usually the lecturers won't encourage us to take year 3 paper before year 2 sem 3. What I think is that it is still tough no matter when you take this subject.
Well, what's my perception for my Business Ethics lecturer? He's good lecturer. Although he's very young but he is now holding the position as a HoD. Wow...He keeps on moving from left to right and from right to left. Also, he should reflect a good image of himself. Please don't sneeze in front of so many students. At least, turn back and sneeze please. I don't like the way he hold the microphone. Please hold it nicely to avoid distraction. He's really awesome, talking 2 hours non-stop. Please allow us to have a short break in between. I can't concentrate for 2 hours continuously. He's a responsible lecturer indeed.
I have met up with my Recruitment & Resourcing lecturer today. He's my tutor for last semester. Actually, my perception towards him is not that good. He's always wearing white and seems not very clean. I also don't know why. After attending his lecture, I found out that he is able to lecture well and I can concentrate throughout the class. Hence, he left a good impression for me today. His memories is good as he can recognize his former students for other subject.
Let's looking forward to meet my advisor as my tutor for this semester tomorrow. I have never been taught by him before. He's nice as well. I just realize that I have only one female lecturer in this semester.
I think I can have started my assignment from tomorrow because formation of group will be carried out during tutorial class. There's 2 tutorial classes tomorrow and no lecture class. Each of the class will be conducted 3 hours continuously.
Another thing too be shared...
I went to night market just now. It was crowded with people after 3 weeks semester break. It's great to visit night market, variety of food is there. It is up to your decision on what to buy and eat. Anyway, I didn't buy much today because of weight gain. Although I know eating too much will cause weight gain but I still eat a lot during semester break. This is due to the reason that I can't have the chance to eat particular of food in Kampar. So, I always search for something to eat in my hometown. Never mind. I can slim down easily in Kampar as compared to staying in my hometown. xD Anyway, it takes some time for me to slim down too.
Recently, I am watching a new HK drama called "Fa Wai Feng Yun". Actually, I think that there's not much nice drama as for this year. This is only the 3rd drama I watch in this year and the last one will be "On Call 36" I think.
***Gambateh Gambateh Gambateh for Y2S2!!!!!!!!!!*** It's just so fast...
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