Thursday, July 11, 2013


Another tired day~Thursday~
Yeah. Thursday is meant for yoga weekly class. Today is the 4th class for this semester. Finally, we reached half way and there's still another 50% to go because there are 8 classes all together. Frankly speaking, I am not that tired actually. The most tired one was the 1st class because there are 77 participants. It was hard for us to control because we only have 3 committee at that times. As compared to now, we have 6 committee so it is much more easier for us to control. So sad to say the attendance is getting poorer and poorer although we have successfully sold many tickets. There are 77, 20, 42 and 18 participants respectively for the previous 4 classes. It fluctuates until we can't predict how many people will come in the next class. Although we didn't have much things to do during the 1 hour class but there's still some stress as for me. Yet, it makes my day meaningful. Anyway, it's just some of my expression.
This Saturday I am going to have my 1st mid-term for this semester. Year 2 subjects are more to application and my general knowledge is not that well actually. So, I must really try my best to do it. This week is not the busiest week and next week we are still enjoying. However, the most challenging week is on week 9. Can you imagine how's will it be for me to settle 7 commitments in a week? Assignment, mid-term and presentation all come together! No choice, just do it. Perhaps after week 10, I can free from all those tasks. This semester is very challenging. Anyway, it is already come to the week 7, 7 weeks more to go.
I will be going back during Hari Raya, means 4 weeks more from now.
Let's go through the 1st mid-term and getting 3 assignments done by this week.
1 quiz and 1 assignment for week 8.
Let's code Eason Chan's song, one part of the lyric is as follows:人总需要勇敢生存。Do you know the name of the song? Listen it before? I think you should.
Today is a special day because it's my Aunt 's birthday~ Happy birthday~2 cakes as for her birthday.
How about me? I think I will be celebrating my birthday in Kampar this year too. Not much determination because it's even hard to get one piece of cake for myself.

1 comment:

  1. 人总需要勇敢生存
    例如学会 承受失恋


    当世事再没完美 可远在岁月如歌中找你 :)

