Monday, June 10, 2013


Yo yo yo~
It comes to Monday again! Do you have any Monday blue?
Week 3 started! Hopefully I can finish all my tasks as scheduled.
What' s about today? I have class until 3pm and then rest a while.
I have started to do my assignment but it is still in progress. There are so many assignments to be done in this semester. 6 assignments with different difficulty level. 2 of them should be considered as low level, another 2 are moderate level and another 2 are considered as high level. There are so many ambiguous inside our assignment. We are yet to attend the lectures which are related to our assignment. Now, we have to read lots of journal articles in order to complete the assignments. Headache indeed! Be calm and steady:) I must believe that I can complete it! No worries, Mei Guan. You are not doing it alone. This is group assignment anyway. Yet, I am the one who always do the checking because I want to make sure everything is right.
Besides doing assignment, tutorial questions and revision, there's nothing to be done actually. If I can find the purpose behind of doing all these, I should a happy students enjoying study life.
Keep in mind---->happy, healthy & meaningful life~
Do remember^^

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