Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 1 & 2 of Family Day

                                            Dinner yesterday at Wok Sifu, Aeon Kinta City~
                                             Dim Sum as today's breakfast~
Mum's favorite
Dad's favorite

Lastly, watched movie "不二神探“with dad & mum...
I bought 2 clothes too~

Day 1 of Family Trip

Wonder weekend with family~
Yesterday, we went to Aeon Kinta City.
There's TVB artists' roadshow..My idol: Ron吴卓曦,吴镇宇,陈法拉,胡定欣,chilam张智霖.
chilam is handsome indeed~as usual, Ron is always cool~Fala is skinny~
还有幸看到2013 Astro新秀5强呢~

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

中国报“优学” 25-06-2013


Friday, June 21, 2013


一个人若要变的更好,更进步,除了本身的努力,还要很强的emotional support.可是,这方面,我还是蛮缺乏的。我没办法像其他人那样,拥有很多很多的朋友。我的个性确实是这样。但,这也不是必然的。任何事情,都有着个中的原因。也许吧。最近,我尝试站在旁观者的角度,分析自己的个性。那真的是有原因的。
怎么我现在还在写blog呢?应该去休息了,明天的community service,六点半要集合了。但,偏偏这时候,没有睡意。

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

jiayou jiayou

What's the best thing to do at 10pm? Of course, it is not suitable for doing revision as for me. That's nothing to do with something which is related to academic during this moment. This is just because I am tired after the whole day activities. So, this is the best time for me to relax, surfing Internet perhaps. Then, I can go for sleep and it signifies the end of that particular day. Sleeping is good indeed because you have nothing to think about and it is for your body to have a well rest. Yet, I didn't sleep well this few days. Why is that so? I kept on dreaming these few days. Is it that I have too many things to think of?
The most difficult task for me now is searching for article. I don't like to search and read articles but I have to do so. Hopefully I can get the related articles and not the  irrelevant one.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


It seems like the time passes so fast recently. Perhaps it is due to the reason that my time is packed with many tasks. Everyday, I wake up in the early morning and go to campus to attend classes. By the time I come back to my hostel, it is already half day gone. Then, there are few hours in between before having dinner. I just spend my time on doing revision and assignment. At night, I am doing the same thing.
Actually, it is quite good that I have something to do. At least, I won't feel that bored and won't think something negative. It is very dangerous to be alone because you will start to think many things regardless the significance of it. So, kindly fill your time with dozens of work so that you fully utilize your time instead of doing nothing.
"Happy, healthy & meaningful life"
Happy-- smile everyday & think positively
Healthy--- eating something that is good for health
Meaningful-- finish all the tasks

Monday, June 17, 2013

patience + emotional intelligence

This is most probably my emotional intelligence is not that good. I can easily being influenced by some other things and thus make me lose my patience in doing things. Actually, I have to finish many tasks by this week. I really don't have enough time to do so many things. I have planned my schedule and I hope I can follow it to carry out all my tasks. It is headache indeed to read so many articles. I don't have patience to read the long article at night. I think I can only use my day time to read it. But then it will spoil my plan to do revision. What to do? I think I can just cancel my plan to go back hometown this weekend. I must be patient enough to settle all my tasks. Patience! Be patient! Just do it one by one and I will finish it eventually.
The most important thing is do not be influenced by anything which can distract me from doing things.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

20130616 Sunday

Finally, I have computer to use again. It comes to the end of week 3 but I don't think I have done anything.
Hopefully I won't waste my time and concentrate on my studies. There are 3 topics for each subjects to study for now. I think that I really don't have enough time to do so many things. The most headache one is my assignments. There are lots of journal article need to be searched before starting our assignment. It really takes time to find a good and short article. I need to search for it as soon as possible and get my assignments done. So, no more time can be wasted. Please give me energy and motivation to finish all my tasks. I am always searching for motivation but it is really hard for me to get motivated. Please please...Lai Mei Guan, if you wish to get good result, you have no reason to avoid doing revision. Please do not always say no mood. Be very focus and concentrate. You can do it!
Week 4....go go go!!! Concentration is needed...

Monday, June 10, 2013


Yo yo yo~
It comes to Monday again! Do you have any Monday blue?
Week 3 started! Hopefully I can finish all my tasks as scheduled.
What' s about today? I have class until 3pm and then rest a while.
I have started to do my assignment but it is still in progress. There are so many assignments to be done in this semester. 6 assignments with different difficulty level. 2 of them should be considered as low level, another 2 are moderate level and another 2 are considered as high level. There are so many ambiguous inside our assignment. We are yet to attend the lectures which are related to our assignment. Now, we have to read lots of journal articles in order to complete the assignments. Headache indeed! Be calm and steady:) I must believe that I can complete it! No worries, Mei Guan. You are not doing it alone. This is group assignment anyway. Yet, I am the one who always do the checking because I want to make sure everything is right.
Besides doing assignment, tutorial questions and revision, there's nothing to be done actually. If I can find the purpose behind of doing all these, I should a happy students enjoying study life.
Keep in mind---->happy, healthy & meaningful life~
Do remember^^

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wuhan study tour 2013 part 3

回到武大校园景观。。。This is Business & Management School...

One of the statue in Wuhan University..."Wen Yi Duo"...You know him?~
Whole group of UTARian~
武大校巴,1元人民币per trip

Friday, June 7, 2013

Wuhan study tour 2013 part 2

Just now I have shared some of the pictures taken inside Wuhan University....Now, let's go outside to see how Wuhan city look like.
This is Yellow Crane Tower which is one of the famous tourist attractions in Wuhan city...
                                          Pretty girls say "cheese~~~"...

We walked a long distance and took LRT only we reached "Guang Gu" Plaza...
We all get a free bottle of Coca-cola when we visited factory of Coca-cola in Wuhan city...
This is "Dong Hu" park...The scene there is indeed beautiful~

Hubei city museum~
Stage in "Chu He Han Jie" street~
"Zhong San" park
Night view of "Han Jie" street
Ferry or building?!

Wuhan study tour 2013 part 1

Since today is Saturday, let me relax a bit & share with you some of the significant & meaningful photos taken in Wuhan, China. Let's start!
First day, we took flight from Malaysia to Guangzhou. Then only we took another flight to Wuhan. This photo was taken in Guangzhou BaiYun airport.
Finally, we reached Wuhan at 730pm ( 12/5/2013)...Then, we took one hour to go to Wuhan University campus...
This is our hostel for the 11 days journey..
Yeah...This is the building of our hostel...
This is the building where we attended our lecture...
Foreign students are all stay in "feng yuan"...
This is Wuhan University new library...Everything inside are using technology..
This "tree" is inside the library...Very beautiful indeed~