Monday, May 6, 2013


Let's continue with another post tonight!
Am I so free now?
Yes. I feel that the most free period in a semester is during the examination period other than semester break. Why? There are so many gaps between the examination day. There are just 5 papers in final examination but it takes 2 weeks to finish it. Indeed, the examination period is just so long. I don't like it actually. There's lots of time spent in hostel facing the "4-walls" around. Time passes slowly until I feel that it is stagnant. Anyway, it almost comes to the end of the examination. Many people finished their examination and went back to hometown already. I am still here until this Saturday and I will be flying to China on Sunday! Although there's just 3 more days to go but I feel like still have long time to go.
This is my first time joining study tour to overseas without accompanied by my family. Hopefully everything goes smooth...I am a bit worry now actually. How will it be? I really have no idea.
Today I finished another paper in the morning. I think I didn't do it very well. I really didn't do it that well this time round as compared to last few semesters. Is it that I didn't do enough preparation? I know I can do it better if I have well-prepared. Worry-ING. Fighting for the last paper! gambateh!

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