Finally,I have done with my 2nd exam paper.Is it tough or easy?Actually,it is quite OK for me because not much surprising questions were there.It was just that one of the question was quite difficult to answer because I don't think that the answers can be found even in the text book since it required 6 answers.Never mind,just forget about the question because I didn't choose that question to answer.
The next paper is on the day after tomorrow.Yup~Just 1 day in between!Is it enough for me to do preparation for next paper?I think it is more than enough because English exam is testing on something you can't do much preparation in 1 or 2 days.It needs your preparation since you are in younger age.It is an "accumulated" knowledge.I know that I am not strong in English because of lack of practices.Is truth!
Although the exam week is going on but I think that I am quite free as compared to teaching week.Why?The gap is too big!If not to say so,can you imagine that you stay in a room for whole day because you are not involved in any exam?After done with your revision,you still have lots of time left.You can choose to watch drama or sleep or just anything...
Count down...11 days more to go~Is nearer and nearer to my holidays!!!hug hug my holidays!!!muaks~
Good luck girl!
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