Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Last Post before Working Life

Hey friends! This might be the last post before I step into the corporate world. Yes, it comes to 45th day of my holidays! There's still one more week to go! Before the kick start of working life, let's review what have I done in my holidays! Well, it is really simple as compared to my previous holidays. Friends gathering, family KL trip, sista Penang trip, and 5 interviews I attended...

Dream is great but there are always obstacles in realizing your dreams! First transition of life is when you choose which course you are going to study and which university you want to study in. You might have your own preferred course and university. Yet, people around you will start to give comments on your preference or give suggestion on which course they think is the best. Selecting a course and a university might not be your own decision. Instead, it is the outcome based on suggestion given by others. If you are strong enough to insist on your selection then you are the winner. However, most of the times it goes the other way round. 

When it comes to second transition of your life i.e. from a student to a working adult, people start to give you suggestion again. Although you have your dreamed job, you might not pursue that career at the end. There are even more factors to consider when you want to select a job. Here are the factors summarized according to my friends: salary, working environment, working hours, overtime, increment possibility, growing company, learning, company reputation, job scope, stress level and extra benefits given. 

After considering all these factors, I made a decision. Hopefully, I have selected a good job that is satisfying. Working life is starting soon and how do I feel? Can't wait for it or want more holidays?

Motivation, please! This is life and everyone's life! 

This plant is high but I don't know its name....XD

The previous weekend was Dumpling season and Father's Day...Finally, I was at home for this two "important" days after 4 years. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Please allow me to say "time flies". Yea...It's really too fast. I rest for about 5 weeks already after the last final examination for my degree studies. This is the longest holiday I have since I studied in university. Frankly speaking, rest for too long is not a good sign indeed. There are 6 of them among those I know already started their working life. Congratulations to them for getting a good job! 

As for me, I feel so uncomfortable after I get to know some of them already started working. So, what shall I do? Yes! Sending resume and attending interview are my "current job". In this week, I had attended 3 interviews. At least, I have accumulated some interview experience. Hehehaha....All the 3 companies are willing to accept me on the spot but the offers are different. Yet, sadly, I have to let go my dream job due to the reality. Two more interviews for me to attend next week. Hopefully, I can start to work in July. Go and back from KL 6 times already in a month. Next week will be my 7th time going to KL! OMG! 奔跑吧,美君!Recently watched too much of Chinese version Running Man....muahahahahaha....

Another thing to share...I have met my friend coincidentally in certain places 5 times within a year. Wow! KL Sg. Wang, Utar Grand Hall, Pangkor Island, Titiwangsa Monorail station, Temerloh bus station...Who will be the next person I meet coincidentally? Hahaha....Come and meet me la...

巧遇我的"cousin", hahahahaha....

Monday, June 1, 2015

Sista Trip 3.0 aka Penang Trip

After 2 weeks of being "zhai nv" staying at home, it's time for me to go out from my home! Yeah, let's go for a short trip! In the 3rd week of my holidays, I had been to KL with my family and met up with Shushien. 

Our "Sista Trip 3.0" started from Tuesday till Saturday. It's so called 5 days KL and Penang trip. Well, my last visit to Penang was 10 years ago. Now, I am 22 and I visit Penang again. 

Three days two nights Penang trip 

Day 1

Yujin & Meiguan

We took KLIA transit from KL Sentral to klia2 and it took us about 45 minutes. 

We chose to take flight from KL to Penang. It took us about 1 hour to fly to Penang Island. This was my first time taking local flight.

We checked in hotel right after we reached Penang. Then, we took bus to Kek Lok Si. Before that, we had "Laksa" as our lunch.

第一站: 极乐寺 & 观音
Yea....with yujin again...

Yujin, Cecellia, Meiguan & DengLeng

We went up to view Guan Yin. This is so called 临时抱佛脚 because that day was the day of release of the result. XD

第二站:Penang Hill
Yujin, Meiguan & Dengleng

Next, we moved to another direction to visit Penang Hill.

This is the 仰望台。

Penang Hill also have 锁桥 oh..

L.O.V.E love!!!


槟城虾面 as dinner

Day 2

炭烧面包 as breakfast

After having our breakfast, we kicked start our 寻宝之旅。

This is the first 壁画 we found...Teeheeee

We wear similar clothes! XD

Minions fans~ Yujin & Cecellia

Motor 男孩 & 4位少女

The most famous 壁画 in Penang and I like it! 单恋双城拍摄地1

怎么我 拿出的不是手链啊?拿出一瓶水来呀。。单恋双城拍摄地2



Char Kuey Teow as lunch






第七站:Amazing world studio
误打误撞去了新开的amazing world studio,悄悄遗忘了trick art musuem & 3D museum。。。是好是坏?

第一层:大人物 & 各种生意
Am I sexy as her? hehe


第二层: Interactive world
A bit similar with Magic Mirror

hei hei....Who am I?!












接着,来到Port Cornvallis 门口,但是只是在外观看而已。。门票 RM10啊!

第八站:Padang Kota Lama 海边

Milk Shake

Mee Sotong

第九站: Gurney Drive

第十站: Gurney Plaza
吃饱后,还能在Gurney Plaza逛一逛。。。

Day 3


第十三站:Wassup Youth Hotel
这里好多小玩意哦,snooker, 桌上足球,etc.

第十四站:Prangin Mall
Let's go to Prangin Mall to have McD as lunch before going back!

为Penang trip 画上一个完美的句点。

姐妹们,说好的sista trip 4.0?! 奔跑吧!