Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Holidays

There's always something on my mind to share something when I am not in front of my laptop. Yet, the idea is gone naturally when I am in front of my laptop. Why is it so? 

Today is 11th day of my holidays. What have I done in the past 11 days? Erm...It seems like doing nothing. I tried very hard to recall something significant I did, at least. Well, holiday is meant for "eat, play and sleep". These are the things people get used to. In fact, people can easily get bored if you have nothing to do. I found a trend where people seldom post things on fb during holidays compared to school days. If any, it must be related to trips. Haha...

#throwback #pangkortrip

So how's my holidays? Yes, I am yet to send resume or even looked for any companies. Yes, that's why I didn't attend any interview yet. Yes, I wish to have more holidays. Let's forget about the headache stuff first. My holidays oh my holidays...Many thanks to BB1M...I have bought 9 books / novels from the bookshop. In 11 days, I manged to finish 4 books. I studied hard even after examination. Haha... There's still 5 books to go. When you read others' work, you will see how people think. It's just a sharing but I agree with some of their points too. How I wish I can publish a book too! Haha... Will you be my reader? 

Apart from that, I learnt how to prepare different dishes using rice cooker. My mother is my "sifu" and now I know how useful a rice cooker is. Indeed, it saves a lot of time in preparing dishes by just using rice cooker. Rice cooker is no longer only meant for cooking rice. Haha... Oppsss...Forget to take some pictures of my "work of art"...Continue exploring... 

#throwback #soup

Also, tidying up cupboard and wardrobe is another mission during holidays. I found memories back in the old days when I kept my things. While I am keeping my things, I played the CD that was bought few years back. I had been a idolator before, too. Well, talking about the memories in olden days... Not sure that whether you still remember doing "folio" was one of our task during secondary school... Now I only realized that it is somehow similar to our assignment during university. Anyway, we were not that focused on doing "folio" last time. I don't think we learn anything from it. It's OK because we were well trained to do assignment during university time. 

At the moment, I didn't kill any task in my "To-do-list" in this holidays. Oppss....Got to speed up a bit...Hopefully I manage to achieve as many as possible!!! Just before my holidays end and working life starts...

Working? "Realistic" job or dream job? 

Blogging? Economic benefit or mere sharing?

My answer is..........

Friday, May 15, 2015

Rest or work?

Wow wow wow!!! It has been quite some time I didn't log in to my blog. My last post was regarding the VIVA. Now it's the end of my degree life! It has reached a point where we have to plan what are we going to do for the rest of our life. Nowadays people know pretty well about how to enjoy life. Right after the final exam, you can see a lot of people go for vacation. Not very much of them are starting to find job. Well, there are still people who are actively finding job after exam. 

There are just too much of consideration when you start to look for a job. Shall we choose a job that we like or a job that pay you high salary? Different people might have different opinion. I watched a TV show before whereby people said you shall have asked yourself 3 questions before starting to look for a job. First, what do you like. Second, what is your competency. Third, which industry is doing well. I can say that most of the people can't fully recognize what's their competency. Even if they know well what they are good at but you can't actually easily get the same answer for all the 3 questions. If you can get 3 same answers, I shall say you are really lucky. 

In fact, I wish to have a short break, at least. I don't wish to quickly look for a job. I don't want to simply get a job that can pay you high salary. You know what. It comes with pretty much of pressure. Do you think high salary is good? Have you ever think that whether you have such ability to fulfill what your employer want? I don't mind to start with a small position. I don't care whether it is a big company. Don't you think that it is good for you to learn as much as possible in a small company then you can tell your next employer that you can do many things for the company when you go for interview in a bigger company? 

I think the most important thing you should consider is the job scope whether you like it and whether you are able to cope. Then only I will look at the salary as well as accommodation and transportation. Anyway, we should know what we want and have a proper plan for ourselves.

Everything starts right after you submitted your resume. There's no more holidays. Interview will come to you if you are shortlisted. Frankly speaking, I don't have much interview experience. I know that I have to go through it no matter I like it or not. That's the only way for you to get a job. So, I have to accept the challenges if I decided to send out my resume. 

Life is not easy starting from now...